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To create an internship with us, first complete the online orientation course. At the end of the course there are instructions on how to sign up to volunteer. When you email us to sign up, make sure to say that your volunteer hours will be for internship credit.


Additionally, please look at our sample schedules and decide how you want to volunteer and when, then include the schedule you want in the email.​

  • We are happy to work with your school's internship requirements so that you can get credit for volunteering with us! 


  • Internships are only available for the case manager position.


  • Internships with SMCC are unpaid positions.​

    • Please visit the "School Requirements" page to view the internship requirements of the various Spokane universities and colleges and how volunteering with SMCC fits in.

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    • Please visit the "Sample Schedules" page to see the schedules of interns we have had in the past.

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